Tuesday 4 November 2014

Pantster or Planner Extraordinaire??? A thought for NaNoWriMo

No way is the wrong way

For some pups it’s an enormous thrill
to set out on this wild ride
with no inkling how they’re gonna fill
even just one side…

…of paper, let alone a whole ream.
But somehow they take all the bits and cook
them up into a tumbling stream
of words that make up a whole book!

Others plan with mathematical precision,
with calculators and spreadsheets
and never need any revision
and reckon their method beats
any other.

Cos they’d ruther

swear by their own way,
than say

that this way, nor that way either

is the right way
nor that way neither.
Pantster or planner?
Excerpt from 'Woofs of Wisdom on Writing'

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I'm a writer and artist. Dogs tend to feature in my writings and pictures rather a lot - living under the paw like I do...

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